Czechia to Select Eurovision 2025 Entrant Internally

Česká televize, Czechia’s national broadcaster, has unveiled a significant shift in its Eurovision selection strategy for 2025. Departing from the popular ESCZ national final format, the broadcaster will now select its entrant through an internal competition.

The decision to move away from ESCZ is rooted in ČT’s desire to optimize resource allocation towards staging and promotion. This strategic shift is expected to provide the broadcaster with greater flexibility and control over the selection process, allowing for a more targeted and effective approach.

Interested artists based in Czechia have until September 30 to submit their entries. A panel of judges, comprising demoscopic, international, and ČT selection committee members, will evaluate the submissions. In the event of a tie, the ČT selection committee will have the final say.

The move to an internal selection process is anticipated to encourage established artists to participate discreetly, avoiding the added pressure of public competition. This approach also allows ČT to focus on achieving the best possible result for Czechia at Eurovision. By removing the distractions and complexities of a public competition, ČT can concentrate on selecting an entry that truly represents the country’s musical talent and cultural identity.

ČT hopes that this new strategy will not only elevate the country’s Eurovision performance but also contribute to the growth and development of the Czech music scene. By fostering a more competitive environment and providing artists with greater opportunities, ČT aims to position Czechia as a leading force in European music.

Czechia’s decision to adopt an internal selection process marks a significant departure from its previous Eurovision strategies. As the country prepares for the 2025 contest, the anticipation and excitement surrounding its potential entry are growing. With a renewed focus on quality and representation, Czechia is poised to make a lasting impression on the Eurovision stage.

Image Source: Corinne Cumming
Source: ESCZ

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