Eurovision 2024: Shadow Over Malmö After Unsafe Working Conditions Complaints

Serious allegations of an “unsafe working atmosphere” have emerged following Eurovision 2024 in Malmö. An independent investigation is underway after the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) received at least 13 complaints from delegations.

The Dutch broadcaster AVROTROS was the first to raise concerns, filing a complaint about the environment before their entrant’s disqualification. While details remain scarce, AVROTROS claims to have witnessed “inappropriate behaviour” and their experiences align with complaints from other delegations, including Switzerland, Ireland, and Portugal.

To ensure a thorough investigation, interviews will be conducted with delegation members, with the option to remain anonymous. This anonymity is likely to encourage participation, especially considering delegations may have personal or professional ties to those involved.

The investigation comes amidst the disqualification of the Dutch entry, Joost Klein, for violating the EBU’s zero-tolerance policy against inappropriate behavior. While the specific nature of the complaints remains unclear, it raises questions about the working environment for those involved in the contest.

With a dark cloud hanging over Malmö 2024, all eyes are on the independent investigation to shed light on these serious allegations. The Dutch broadcaster is currently considering its response as the investigation unfolds.

Source: NU & RTL



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