First look at the complete Eurovision Song Contest 2024 stage

Eurovision fans, get ready to be blinded by brilliance! The stage for the 2024 Eurovision Song Contest in Malmö is officially complete, and let me tell you, it’s a LED-tastic!

Just this morning, the Malmö Arena witnessed the final touches being applied to this year’s performance platform. We’re talking a whopping 2,168 lighting fixtures, each and every one boasting cutting-edge LED or laser technology. Imagine the pyrotechnics these bad boys can unleash! Don’t worry, I won’t spoil any surprises, but let’s just say the lighting crew has been putting in four weeks of pre-programming to ensure a truly spellbinding show.

But it’s not just about the lights, darling! LEDs are woven into the very fabric of this stage. A mind-boggling 1,000 square meters of the stuff are splashed across the set design, from the massive 186-square-meter stage floor to the epic 340-square-meter backdrop. And that’s not all! Five dazzling LED cubes hanging from the ceiling add another 460 square meters to the LED extravaganza. Talk about setting the mood!

Now, all this technical wizardry needs a skilled crew to make it sing (literally, in some cases!). A dedicated team of six stage managers will be at the helm during the live shows, backed up by a crack squad of 36 additional crew members. These folks will be the unsung heroes, ensuring every sequin shimmers and every power note hits the right mark.

With rehearsals kicking off this Saturday, April 27th, the Eurovision buzz is electric here in Malmö. Get ready for a contest filled with glitz, glam, and enough LED power to light up the entire continent! This is your Eurovision correspondent, Omar Brato, signing off – stay tuned for all the backstage gossip and rehearsal hot takes!

Check it out:

Image Source: SVT, Peppe Andersson



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