Eurovision Security on High Alert: Drones, Military, and Nordic Backup for Malmö

Malmö, Sweden – As the excitement for Eurovision 2024 in Malmö builds, so do the security measures surrounding the event. Swedish police are taking no chances, preparing for a wide range of threats, including those posed by drones.

Drones Pose a Real Threat

Drones have become increasingly popular in recent years, but they also represent a potential security risk. In the wrong hands, they could be used to disrupt the Eurovision event, carry out surveillance, or even launch attacks.

C-UAV Technology Deployed

To counter this threat, Swedish police will be deploying Counter-Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (C-UAV) technology. This technology can detect, track, and disable drones in the air.

Fly Restriction Zones Established

In addition to C-UAV technology, police will also be establishing fly restriction zones around the event area. This will further limit the ability of unauthorized drones to enter the area.

Nordic Police Reinforcement

To bolster their security presence, Swedish police have requested assistance from their Nordic counterparts in Denmark and Norway. These officers will be deployed to help monitor the event, including the arena, surrounding areas, hotels, and potential demonstration sites.

Swedish Military Involvement

While not as visible as police officers, the Swedish military will also be playing a role in the security effort. They will be providing logistical support and other specialized assistance as needed.

Largest Police Operation in Swedish History

The Eurovision security operation is expected to be one of the largest in Swedish history. Thousands of police officers will be involved, and no leaves will be granted in the Skåne region during the event.

National Special Event Designation

The police operation has been designated as a national special event, codenamed “Gunder.” This designation allows for a more coordinated and comprehensive response to potential threats.

Preparing for All Eventualities

In their planning, Swedish police are taking into account all possible threats, from disruptive protests to complex attacks by international terrorist organizations.

No Specific Threat to Eurovision

While there is no specific, credible threat to the Eurovision event at this time, Swedish police are taking no chances. They are committed to ensuring the safety of all participants, attendees, and the general public.

Sweden’s Commitment to Security

The Eurovision security operation is a testament to Sweden’s commitment to providing a safe and secure environment for major international events. By taking proactive measures and deploying advanced technology, Swedish police are aiming to prevent any disruptions or attacks and ensure that Eurovision 2024 is a memorable and enjoyable experience for all.

Source: SVT



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