The EuroHub Verdict: Silvester Belt – Luktelk

Eurovision fans, gather ’round! Omar and Sahand from The EuroHub are ready to crack the code on Lithuania’s enigmatic entry, “Luktelk,” by the captivating Silvester Belt.

This year, Lithuania ditches the ballads and embraces the dark side with a pulsating electro-pop anthem. Will “Luktelk” light up the stage with its captivating energy, or will its cryptic lyrics and lack of drama leave audiences cold? Join us on a deep dive into “Luktelk” as we dissect the infectious beat, analyze the mysterious lyrics, and speculate on the potential for a showstopping performance. Can Silvester Belt’s talent and “Luktelk’s” dark allure propel Lithuania to Eurovision victory? Let the investigation begin!


Let me tell you, Eurovision fans, this song is addictive. From the first beat, it grabs you by the throat and throws you onto a pulsating dance floor unlike any other. Distorted synths create a dark, almost unsettling atmosphere, while the driving rhythm is pure adrenaline. The melody itself is a haunting siren song, burrowing into your brain and refusing to let go. It’s the kind of song that makes you lose yourself completely, letting your body take over. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve hit repeat on “Luktelk” – it’s become a permanent fixture on my Spotify playlist!

And let’s talk about Silvester Belt! This guy is a star in the making. His charisma and vocal talent are undeniable, and his stage presence is electric. Seeing the national final performance, I couldn’t help but be impressed with the dark and atmospheric staging. It perfectly complemented the song’s unsettling energy, with lighting and effects that created a truly captivating experience. Silvester is just so cute, but don’t let that fool you – he commands the stage with a confidence that belies his years.

For me, there is a sentence to summarize what “Luktelk” is: It’s the perfect song to lose yourself in on the dance floor.

Score: 8.9/10


While I am still “ciūto-tūtoing” to Monika Linkytė’s masterpiece of 2023, Lithuania’s public has decided and undergoes a heavy shift for a pulsating electro-pop injection this year. Silvester Belt’s “Luktelk” isn’t here to serenade; it’s here to hijack your heartbeat. The song simmers initially, a steady bass thrumming like an impatient pulse. Then, at the 2:00 mark, it explodes. “I don’t wanna dance anymore, but I got to dance,” declares the instrumental break, throwing the switch on an electronic dance floor paradise. Belt and his crew morph the stage into a shimmering neon landscape, urging the audience to surrender to the rhythm.

The lyrics themselves are a cipher, deliberately open to interpretation according to Belt. But the true revelation lies in the song’s transformative power. The insistent “Luktelk” (“wait a bit” in English) becomes a singalong mantra, a collective plea for release held captive by the relentless bass.

While Belt’s stage presence might not rival the pyrotechnics of a seasoned performer (though his charm is undeniable), the production cleverly sidesteps this. The lighting design forgoes a harsh spotlight, instead opting for a pulsing interplay of darkness and crimson hues. This immersive effect drowns the audience in a sensory experience, where the focus is the music, not the performer. Yet, you can’t help but sense the infectious joy Belt radiates onstage, and that enthusiasm is a force to be reckoned with.

Qualification for Lithuania seems a foregone conclusion. The competition in the Grand Final is fierce, but “Luktelk” deserves a shot at the Top 10, and Belt’s dedication might just propel him there. This is a song that thrives on audience participation, a dance floor anthem waiting to erupt. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself chanting “Luktelk” long after the last note fades.

Score: 8.5/10

Average: 8.7/10

So, Eurovision fans, what do you think? Is “Luktelk” a dance floor masterpiece or a recipe for disaster? Will Silvester Belt’s charisma and the song’s dark allure propel Lithuania to Eurovision glory, or will the lack of a dramatic build-up leave audiences wanting more? Let us know in our social media!

Don’t forget to check out the rest of our Eurovision reviews on The EuroHub! We’re diving deep into all the national selections to bring you the hottest takes and most insightful analysis. Until next time, keep calm and Eurovision on!



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