Ukraine confirms participation in Eurovision 2024

Ukraine’s journey in the Eurovision Song Contest continues to be a captivating and emotionally charged one, making headlines for its unique and powerful approach to the competition. The recent announcement of Ukraine’s participation in Eurovision 2024, confirmed by the national broadcaster Suspilne, comes as both a testament to the nation’s unwavering commitment to the event and a symbol of hope and resilience during challenging times.

Dmytro Shurov, widely recognized as Pianoboy, returns as the musical director for Ukraine’s Eurovision endeavor, and his involvement is met with great enthusiasm by fans and participants alike. His role as the composer of the musical theme for Eurovision 2023 postcards showcased his remarkable talents, and it’s exciting to see how he will once again contribute to Ukraine’s Eurovision journey.

Pianoboy’s message to artists and songwriters in the National Selection is a call to action that resonates with the heart of the competition. The desire to create a song that will make Ukraine proud while capturing the hearts of European audiences is a common aspiration shared by many. The Eurovision Song Contest is a platform for both artistic expression and cultural exchange, and Pianoboy’s words serve as an inspiring reminder of its significance.

One notable and intriguing aspect of Ukraine’s participation in the National Selection process for Eurovision 2024 is the direct influence of viewers in selecting one of the finalists. This element of viewer participation adds a layer of interactivity and democracy to the process, giving the audience a say in shaping the country’s representation at Eurovision. It’s a testament to the democratic and inclusive nature of the competition.

Oksana Skybinska, the Head of Delegation for Ukraine at Eurovision, acknowledges Sweden as the host country for Eurovision 2024. Her recognition of Sweden’s role highlights the international collaboration that Eurovision fosters. Moreover, Skybinska’s emphasis on Ukraine’s participation in Eurovision during a challenging period of war underscores the event’s power to unite nations through the universal language of music.

The promise of innovative elements in the National Selection process further piques the curiosity of Eurovision fans and participants. These innovative elements, yet to be fully disclosed, are bound to add an extra layer of excitement and intrigue to the selection process. It’s a testament to Ukraine’s dedication to ensuring a dynamic and engaging Ukraine participation in the process, which ensures that both the artists and the viewers are in for an unforgettable Eurovision experience.

Sarah Louise Bennet / EBU



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