“United By Music”: Eurovision Reveals Permanent Anthem of Unity

In a historic move, the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and SVT have jointly declared “United By Music” as the permanent slogan for the Eurovision Song Contest, starting with the 2024 edition in Malmö, Sweden, and extending to all future events. This decision comes after the overwhelming success and positive reception of the slogan during the 2023 Eurovision Song Contest in Liverpool, where it was initially introduced.

The genesis of “United By Music” lies in the collaborative efforts of the United Kingdom, Ukraine, and the host city, Liverpool, during the 2023 Eurovision Contest. Created by the BBC, the slogan embodies the essence of the event, highlighting the profound influence of music in fostering connections among people worldwide. Its resonance extends from the vibrant streets of Liverpool to the picturesque landscapes of Malmö, and it is set to become the enduring anthem of unity for Eurovision enthusiasts globally.

The Eurovision Song Contest, known for its tradition of changing slogans annually, made an exception in 2023 with the introduction of “United By Music.” Following its remarkable success in Liverpool, the decision was made by SVT and the Eurovision Song Contest Reference Group to retain the slogan for the 2024 event and all subsequent contests. This strategic move aims to create consistency and continuity, reinforcing the Eurovision brand with a powerful, unifying message.

Martin Österdahl, the Executive Supervisor of the Eurovision Song Contest, expressed the significance of this decision, stating, “After over 20 years of using different slogans, and as we approach our 70th anniversary, we feel we have found one that truly encapsulates our brand.” He emphasized that “United By Music” aligns perfectly with the values of inclusivity, equality, universality, and celebrating diversity through the universal language of music.

The Executive Producer of the 2024 Eurovision Song Contest for SVT, Ebba Adielsson, echoed Österdahl’s sentiments, highlighting the slogan’s appropriateness in encapsulating the competition’s essence. She affirmed that the decision to make it a permanent fixture was a collective acknowledgment of its ability to succinctly capture the foundation of the entire event.

“United By Music” encapsulates the core values of the Eurovision Song Contest, championing diversity, inclusivity, and artistic expression. It symbolizes the Contest’s unique ability to bridge differences and ignite a sense of shared community, transcending nationality, language, or background. The slogan serves as a reminder of the Contest’s central mission and its unparalleled capacity to unite people through the universal language of music.

As the Eurovision Song Contest prepares for its 68th edition in Malmö on May 9, 11, and 13, 2024, fans can anticipate the unveiling of artwork that will complement the enduring slogan. The permanent adoption of “United By Music” reflects a commitment to fostering a global sense of togetherness through the Eurovision Song Contest, making it more than just a musical competition but a celebration of unity through music.

The Eurovision Song Contest’s decision to establish a permanent slogan aligns with the growing popularity of the event worldwide. “United By Music” is poised to become an integral part of the Eurovision brand, strengthening its identity and resonance across diverse cultures. As the anticipation builds for the 2024 edition in Malmö, fans can rest assured that the Eurovision Song Contest will continue to unite the world through the universal language that transcends borders – the language of music.


Source: EBU & SVT



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